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Entry regime to Ukraine for foreign citizens
12 February 2020 03:46

Foreign citizens, except for the citizens of Australia and New Zealandneed a visa to enter Ukraine. To learn more refer to our visa page.

From August 5, 2021, persons, crossing the state border for entry to Ukraine are subject to the self-isolation, except for:

1) persons under 18 years old,    

2) persons having a document confirming receiving of the full course of vaccination or international, internal certificate or foreign certificate, confirming receiving of the full course of vaccination from COVID-19,

3) heads and members of the official delegations of foreign states, employees of the international organizations, as well as their accompanying persons, and entering Ukraine upon the invitation of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Office of the President of Ukraine, Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine,

4) employees of the diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, representations of the official international missions, organizations, accredited to Ukraine, and members of their families,

5) persons coming to participate in the official sport competitions, held on the territory of Ukraine, and their accompanying persons,

6) persons coming to participate in the cultural events, held on the territory of Ukraine, and their accompanying persons,

7) military men (of the units) of the armed forces of the NATO member states and states participants in the NATO program “Partnership for peace” who take part in the measures on the preparation of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or come upon the invitation of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,

8) experts of the border agencies of the European Union countries, coming in the framework of holding joint operations with European border and coast guard agency Frontex,

9) members of the official government and other delegations of Ukraine, returning to Ukraine after short-term working trips abroad to participate in international consultations, negotiations, conferences, sessions of international organizations bodies, meetings of the intergovernmental commissions, other joint interstate bodies,

10) participants of external independent evaluation, those who have intention to enter the educational establishments, including courses (branches) on preparation to enter the state higher education establishments, applicants, studying in educational establishments, situated on the territory of Ukraine, as  well as the parents (adopters), guardians, trustees, other legal representatives or other persons, empowered by the parents (adopters), guardians, trustees, other legal representatives, accompanying such persons,

11) drivers and crew members of trucks, buses, conducting regular transportation, crew members of aircrafts and sea and river vessels, members of train and locomotive brigades,

12) persons, transporting hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation,

13) citizens of Ukraine who went abroad till August 4, 2021.


Person subject to self-isolation due to crossing the state border must download and activate the mobile application of the system “Vdoma” (“At Home”). In case it is not possible to download such an application, such person will be subject to the observation.

Crossing the state border for entry to Ukraine by foreigners and stateless persons, subject to self-isolation without downloaded and activated mobile application is prohibited.

Duration of the self-isolation of persons due to crossing the state border for entry to Ukraine or control checkpoints is:

10 days (except for persons, who arrived from the Russian Federation, Republic of India and stayed on the territory of these countries more than 7 days during last 14 days) and commences after 72 hours from the moment of crossing the state border or control checkpoints. Self-isolation, observation of a person is not applicable or terminates in case of receiving negative test result for COVID-19 with the method of polymerase chain reaction or express-test for determination of coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, conducted after the state border or control checkpoints crossing,

14 days – for persons who arrived from the Russian Federation, Republic of India and stayed on the territory of these countries more than 7 days during last 14 days. Duration of self-isolation commences from the moment of crossing the state border or control check points and cannot be terminated in case of receiving negative test result for COVID-19 with the method of polymerase chain reaction or express-test for determination of coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, conducted after the state border or control checkpoint crossing.

For the attention of foreign citizens intending to visit the occuppied territories of Ukraine - The Autonomous Republic of Crimea  

On June 4, 2015 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Resolution № 367 “Procedure for entry to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and exit from it”, which regulates, apart from other things, the entry and exit of foreigners and stateless persons, taking into consideration the Law of Ukraine “On guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legal regime on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine”.

According to the Procedure the entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and exit from it is allowed only through the checkpoints foreseen by this Procedure with presenting a valid passport and special permission issued by the territorial body of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

The list of checkpoints is listed in Appendix 1 to the Procedure. Persons, violating the order of entry to and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, set by this Procedure, will be brought to justice.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine once again emphasizes the need to comply with the valid procedure of visiting the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Additional information can be found at  https://the-urc.com/covid

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