Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has endorsed the Resolution №477 of June 12, 2020 “On introducing changes to the Annex 1 to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 13, 2020 №288 and declaration of several acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as invalid” and the Resolution №480 “On introducing changes to some acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”.
Main elements of the Resolution are as follows:
1.Abolishment of the temporary ban on Ukraine state border crossing by the foreigners and stateless persons for entry to Ukraine introduced by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №287 of March 14, 2020. Accordingly, the procedure of approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of the entry of foreigners and stateless persons to Ukraine is abolished;
2. Introducing the obligatory requirement for the period of quarantine for foreigners and stateless persons who intend to enter Ukraine to have policy (document, certificate) of insurance costs associated with COVID-19 treatment, observation. This requirement is not applicable only to the foreigners and stateless persons who live permanently in Ukraine, persons recognized as refugees and persons who require additional protection;
3. Introducing changes to the Order of conducting obligatory observation and self-isolation of persons crossing the Ukraine state border. In particular the requirement on conducting obligatory observation will apply only to the persons who arrive to Ukraine from the countries with wide spread of the COVID-19 and citizens (nationals) of such states.
At the same time the above mentioned requirement will not be applicable to the persons who gave their consent for the self-isolation using the electronic service “Дій вдома” (“Act at Home”) of the Unified state web-portal of electronic services before crossing the state border, as well as such categories of travelers (if there are no grounds to believe that they were in contact with the person infected with COVID-19) as follows:
-citizens (nationals) of states with considerable spread of COVID-19 who did not stay at the territory of such states during recent 14 days (states with considerable spread of the COVID-19 are the states in which the number of active cases of COVID-19 disease is more than 40 persons for 100 thousand population. Information on the list of such countries could be found at the web-page of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine -;
-employees of the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the foreign states, representations of the official international missions, organizations, accredited to Ukraine, and members of their families;
-drivers and crew members of trucks, crew members of aircrafts and sea and river vessels, members of train and locomotive brigades;
- participants of external independent assessment together with one person accompanying each of them;
Requirements to undergo obligatory observation were also cancelled for persons crossing control checkpoints of entry to temporary occupied territory of Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and exit from them. Instead, for crossing respective control checkpoints such persons must till the exit from the temporary occupied territory of Ukraine through the control checkpoint give their consent of self-isolation using the electronic service “Дій вдома” (“Act at Home”) of the Unified state web portal of the electronic services.
4. Opening of 15 checkpoints across the state border- including 13-for international air flights according to the list, defined by the changes approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №477 of June 12, 2020. At the same time subject to requirements of the paragraph 4 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №392 of May 20, 2020 actual resuming of pass operations for entry into Ukraine in the indicated checkpoints will be fulfilled after adoption by the respective regional commissions on the issues of technogenic and ecological safety and extraordinary situations of decisions on easing of anti-epidemic measures which will be adopted taking into account the results of assessment of correspondence of the epidemic situation in the regions to the defined by the mentioned resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine criteria.